Sony Ericsson w810i WSOD fix, 4/29/08
I've had my sony w810i phone for over 2 yrs now, and it has taken a lot of abuse, but the other day I thought it'd been dropped for the last time. It took a pretty impressive slam to the ground, and I wasn't too surprised to see the flashing white screen of death (WSOD). I tried flashing it with the sony update service (SEUS) firmware: SEUS, but that didn't work. Browsing support forums I discovered the wotan server: wotan. My EROM was RED CID49, and the firmware that flashed successfully was: R4EA031 AMERICA_1 (W810_CXC1250324_AMERICA_1_R4ED001_RED49.w03). After 2 wotan flashes (14 EU/~$23 US) and several hours of work, my w810i recovered! Minus the free games and cool applications that came with it (I'd bought it used off of ebay), but hey I still got all the tunes, photos, and phone numbers which were on the memory stick.
Next time this happens, I will probably check out Xs++ first xs++ because it looks like an application that is similar to wotan but flashes for free(?) if you can find the firmware files online.
Useful sites for replacing applications and games:

super sleuthing. Hope it will prove reliable.
can u get me the log in id and password on
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