anja's blog: Trip to Lincoln, NE 7/3-7/7/09

Monday, July 27, 2009

Trip to Lincoln, NE 7/3-7/7/09

Ken and I flew to Lincoln to visit his parents and help them get Gummie's house ready to sell. Conveniently, Gummie's house was only a few blocks from Ken's parents' house. We also visited Ken's highschool friend Layne who is very into computers and technology. He had a theatre room with a projected picture on the wall (like my Dad's). His bedroom was set up with a ceiling-mounted large screen tv and surround sound.

On the 4th we saw the free town fireworks show which was accompanied by an orchestra. It was amazing! We also went as Layne's guests to the country club for an amazing dinner and another fireworks show. I didn't attempt to capture the fireworks with my cell phone, but here's a picture of Layne's bedroom entertainment system and Ken in his old boy scouts uniform.

Overall, the fresh corn and fireworks make Lincoln a pretty prime July 4th destination.


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