ASHG Conference in New Orleans 10/7-10/14/06

Went with Kristin to the American Society of Human Genetics conference in New Orleans. We both presented a poster on Wednesday, met some future potential collaborators, and saw some great talks. We were too tired to go out most nights (we got up at 6:30am every morning to make the morning sessions), but enjoyed a night on Bourbon street which was just outside our hotel. We were fortunate to stay in a 4-star hotel for $35/each per night(about 1.5 mile walk from the convention center). We took self guided tours of the garden district and a cemetary within walking distance. On Thursday night, ABI hosted a free educational dinner at the aquarium that included a jazz band and an open bar. Our last night we splurged for a $50/person jazz-dinner cruise with the Sardinians who we met at the conference.