anja's blog: May 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

mmm...marshmallows :)

Marshmallow candy dates back to ancient Egypt where it was a honey-based candy flavored and thickened with the sap of the root of the Marsh-Mallow plant (althea officinalis). Marsh-Mallow grows in salt marshes and on banks near large bodies of water. It is common in the eastern United States.

Until the mid 1800's, marshmallow candy was made using the sap of the Marsh-Mallow plant. Gelatin replaces the sap in the modern recipes (

Monday, May 05, 2008

Shelf building, 5/4/08

Now we can buy more stuff! :)

Malibu Canyon Climbing, 5/3/08

Went climbing on Saturday at the planet of the apes wall with Jenny and Jaime.

Malibu Canyon Climbing, 5/3/08 at EveryTrailMap created by EveryTrail:Share GPS tracks